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MUSIAD is a strong “Civil Society Organization”, which has more than 11.000 members at home and abroad, represents 60,000 enterprises, employs about 1.800.000 people, has 89 contact points in Turkey, provides services in 95 countries, in total 225 points, communicates its recommendations to public institutions and organizations in place.

The International Business Forum (IBF), which has brought together 42 business people’s associations from 25 countries since 1995, conducts an extremely valuable task to improve trade relations between countries.

The 25th IBF Congress is to be held in Baku to draw attention to the trade and investment potential of Azerbaijan; Sectoral meetings are planned to explain the privileges in the food, agriculture, livestock, tourism, energy, construction and health sectors.

There will be presentations and visits to the factories as well as sectoral meetings. It is aimed to have more about Azerbaijan and to be at the forefront of new business opportunities for business people. For this purpose, 1000 distinguished business people will be brought together in Baku from Canada, Turkey, Europe, the USA, the Middle East and North Africa and Russia.

STAND: 314


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