Project Description
Angondje Mass Housing Project (600 Units) / Librevil – Gabon

In October 2014, 600 mass housing project located in Gabon – Libreville was completed by DORCE in only 6 months. DORCE undertook engineering, superstructure, infrastructure, furniture, testing and commissioning works. The construction of the houses was carried out using the Prefabricated Light Gauge Steel structure system. DORCE, as its company policy, has always prioritized local resources and the development of local employment and workforce in the project countries. While 35% of the workforce employed at the beginning of the Gabon housing project was local personnel, this rate was increased to 50% in the continuation of the project. DORCE organized an orientation and training program for employed local staff in the Angondje Mass Housing project. The aim of this program is to provide workforce for future projects planned within the scope of DORCE’s employment policy for West Africa, training local employees not only in all areas of construction, but also in HSE and QA fields.
Project Detail